English Teacher (Curs Escolar 2024-2025)
Data límit de recepció de CV
Tipus de contracte
Durada del contracte
fins a finals de curs (juny 2025)
Àmbit de treball
Monitor d'activitats extraescolars
Àmbit territorial
Kids&Us is a language school for children from 1 to 18 years old, which has completely transformed English teaching with its innovative methodology. With over 480 schools and 150,000 students, Kids&Us is a benchmark in the language teaching world.
We are proud to have a wonderful and diverse community of teachers all over the world.
We are looking for English Teachers to join our team in our schools in Barcelona for this school year 2024-2025. We offer flexible hours to adjust to your schedules and studies.
Your responsibilities will consist of teaching classes, implementing student follow-up attendance records, grades, and reports, completing online reports at the end of each term, and performing other school-related tasks. We will train you in the use of our teaching method.
You would fit right in at Kids&Us if you have:
- A positive and sociable attitude, and dedication to teaching.
- Excellent communication skills.
- Interest in working with young children or teens (and everything it entails).
- Flexibility with work hours and availability.
Requisits imprescindibles
- Advanced or Proficiency level in English (C1-C2).
- Availability in the Afternoon and/or at Midday.
Mèrits que es valoraran
- Previous teaching EXPERIENCE will be a plus factor for candidates, as well as being adept at working and communicating with children.
- Qualifications in Infant Education, Foreign Languages, Language and Literature, Translation and Interpretation, and other similar types of qualifications will be given preference.